
Showing posts with the label Crockpot Beef Barbacoa

Crockpot Beef Barbacoa

I'm sure you all are sick of hearing about our moving situation so I'll make this short. We have 9 days until we are moving and still don't know where we are going. I went and looked at a 2 bedroom in Atascadero today and he will let us know on Tuesday. I'm not 100% counting on that one so I'm moving forward with looking at a place tomorrow and hoping we can look at a few places this weekend. I still have a lot of packing to do so the weekend will be packing and selling items that we don't want to take with us. I'm looking forward to moving, I think we need a restart so it should be good. I just hope we are able to find a place so we don't have to move twice. Like always, I'm still making time to cook almost every night. It really helps with keeping my mind off things, plus I can then make blogs and let you know how wonderful (or not so wonderful) the recipe turned out :) Yesterday was supposed to be Kevin's last day at his job so they had a