
Showing posts with the label Chicken Enchilada Tacos Recipe

Chicken Enchilada Tacos Recipe

For those who don't know, I have a small glitter tumbler business that I started in February of this year. I received a custom order of eight tumblers that I am going to customize. I was supposed to receive 12 tumblers last night from Amazon and my order is running late :( I was going to spend all day making tumblers but, instead, you guys get a recipe :)  This recipe is actually kind of funny because my plan last night was to make shredded chicken enchiladas (and since today is Mexican Independence Day and I'm partially Hispanic, this recipe totally makes sense) but it turned into shredded chicken tacos. Since Kevin, Jace and I are really trying to eat better, a lot of our recipes are from Davita and this recipe was no different. This is a crockpot recipe and it contains a homemade enchilada sauce. The full recipe for the enchilada sauce can be found HERE . It's a super easy recipe and if you still want to make enchiladas, the enchilada recipe can be found HERE . I really