
Showing posts with the label Chicken Enchilada Nachos

Chicken Enchilada Nachos

So we are moving out next Saturday (11 days!!) and have NO idea where we are moving to - still. It's so frustrating and so stressful. We thought we were set in Barstow but since that plan changed, we are on such a strict schedule to be out. I know we won't be homeless but still! I have 4 pages worth of people that I have contacted and Kevin's Mom has been messaging me rentals so I'm hoping to find a place ASAP. I am going to see a place in Atascadero on Thursday and one on Friday so hopefully one of those work out - we already applied for both and explained the situation to both of them already so I'm hoping we just see one we like and get it right then! I can't wait until we can buy a house. I'm sure that won't be for a few years - and when we decide on a more permanent area to move to. California is SO expensive, never live here! LOL Anyways, cooking and baking has helped with keeping my mind off of the stress. Last night I made these Chicken Enchila