
Showing posts with the label Cal Poly

I'm a total Stress Ball

Have you ever felt like you have done everything that you can - without lowering your standards, values, or goals - but nothing seems to go your way? Blogging and writing are my therapy so, if you are reading this, brace yourselves. This may be repetitive as I have mentioned over and over how tough it has been living out here in California. I moved here 18 months ago on hopes, dreams, $25,000, no debt (except my never-ending student loan) and dreams of winning the lottery (that doesn't seem to be a joke anymore). The year of 2018, I have been hoping for getting that "big break" with a job. See, I am the type that always strives for more, works hard, sets goals, and focuses on what I want and reaches for it. When I see a Social Media Manager job position here in Central California with a pay range of $11/hour (no joke! I have a screenshot if you don't believe me!) it makes me re-think my strategy and plan in life. This plan and future worked for me in Utah and I had no