
Showing posts with the label Best Chicken Fried Chicken

Chicken Fried Chicken

I made this Chicken Fried Chicken a few nights ago but just now getting to post because...well...summer. I actually had the chance to go to the California Mid-State Fair both Friday and Saturday. I haven't been to the fair since 2017. Boyfriend and I had tickets to the Demi Lovato concert in 2018 but ended up selling them and last year the fair was cancelled due to COVID. We had the opportunity to spend a few hours there yesterday and it was SO fun! I forgot how fun fairs are. I took Jace there on Friday and he had a blast with riding rides and playing games. It's an expensive trip but totally worth it!  Anyways, Friday night I made this Chicken Fried Chicken recipe because nothing is better than homemade Fried Chicken, am I right? It is definitely a messy recipe but if you cook at home, this is one that your whole family will love! The original recipe that I used can be found HERE . I did not make the gravy that is in the recipe, we just purchased a gravy packet.  Ingredients: