
Showing posts with the label Asian Glazed Chicken Thighs Recipe

Asian Zing Chicken Thighs

The best part about living in California, being close to the coast, and not getting snow or extreme weather is that I hardly ever get sick. I think I've been sick maybe twice since I have lived here in the past five years. Well, I think I may have jinxed that because the last two weeks I have been so tired. Not just tired but extremely exhausted. I thought I was low on iron or something (I still have a doctors appointment on the 20th just in case) but I think it's because I haven't been feeling well. Last Friday I had a hoarse voice with a bronchitis-like cough and yesterday I had a hoarse voice, headache and was literally on the couch all day. I guess sometimes our body just needs that break and I'm pretty sure I never give myself a break. My plan was to write this blog days ago but because of not feeling well, I didn't even get on my laptop at all yesterday and now I'm feeling pretty good today so I figured I can finish the blog :)  A few days ago I made these