Easy Sloppy Joe Recipe

Our home likes and enjoys Sloppy Joe's. In fact, this is the 5th Sloppy Joe blog I have written:
Easy and Delicious Sloppy Joe's
Quick and Easy Sloppy Joe's
Easy Sloppy Joe's with a Secret Ingredient
Ground Turkey Sloppy Joe's

A real quick update on my health before diving into the recipe - I'm officially at week 7 for my cough. I saw the doctor 13 days ago and then again 6 days ago. My antibiotics are out and I'm on the last few days of my cough medication/pills that I'm taking 3x per day. My cough seems to have been getting worse the past 3 days or so. I got blood word yesterday, the focus was thyroid and white blood cell count but when I was confirming with the lady who was drawing my blood, she said, "we are checking you for a lot of things" and took 4 vials of blood. I'm still waiting on those results. My energy is better, I have been doing errands and going out and staying active as much as I can. I haven't been napping or anything like that. The doctor I saw 6 days ago said this is the post-COVID cough but the previous doctor treated it like pneumonia with the antibiotics/medication he provided me. I still have to wear a mask when I go out. I've been congested the last few days. The doctor told me that he can switch me to a different antibiotic so I will call him on Friday when my cough medication is out and see if there is something else I can take. Fingers crossed I get better soon because not only this annoying and frustrating, but it does take energy out of me when I cough so much. I was coughing every 10 minutes a few weeks ago and it's down to morning and evening mainly. I'll keep you updated!

Now to the recipe, this recipe was really really good. Sloppy Joe's reminds me of church camp. This was one of the staples that we would have ever year, without fail. Do you have a nostalgic memory like I do?

The meat to this one was perfect! So, so good and flavorful. If you make this, let me know below! You can pair this with garlic bread, french fries, or dill pickles. I remember when I had this at church camp, they always gave us pickles too. Such nostalgia!

1 tbsp onion powder
1 tbsp garlic powder
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 1/2 tsp yellow mustard
1 tbsp light brown sugar
15oz spaghetti sauce
1 pound ground beef
2-3 tbsp olive oil
Pepper, to taste

In a bowl, combine the Worcestershire sauce, mustard, brown sugar, and spaghetti sauce. Over medium/high heat, add olive oil and ground beef. Saute for about 5 minutes. Season with pepper. Add onion powder and garlic powder. Add the sauce and bring to a light boil. Reduce heat to low/medium and simmer uncovered for 10-15 minutes. 

Easy Sloppy Joe

Serve on brioche buns. 


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