Dream Blog 2024

This blog was created for a look back on my dreams, my actual dreams. I have been keeping track of my dreams since 2015 and remember a lot of them.

Here is a list of past dreams:
Dreams 2015-2018
Dreams 2019
Dreams 2020
Dreams 2021
Dreams 2022 and 2023

Below are my dreams in 2024:

January 14 I had a dream that Kevin and I went to this bar/club and I think it was New Year's. We were sitting at a table and this guy gets up, clearly drunk, and says "I'm out" and we were hoping he meant that he was going out of the room, not actually driving. Well, lo and behind, I actually found his keys a little bit later on and was trying to figure out who to give them to. I decided on giving them to the front desk person, and not actually him. The next day I received a text from the guy (not sure how he got my number) and he had taken maybe 4 photos of me the night before so he sent those to me. I then went to the car to show Kevin and he had just put away a bottle of alcohol. I told him to give me his keys and that was when I woke up.

August 3 I had a dream that my LinkedIn account had been hacked and pictures were being posted of me not looking at the camera or smiling, but rather doing everyday things and being around people but not camera-ready. I ended up realizing that my sister had been planning this with one of our friends who lives out of state and there was a camera in the corner of the room where we had been and where the photos were being taken. She was viewing them, taking random screenshots of me and then uploading them. She uploaded 10-20 photos and created a post and the post had 60 likes (which was actually better than what I have been posting). I went in to try and change the password but she could see everything that I was doing and tried to get me out of my own account.  

September 14 I had a dream that I was with some friends and we stopped by my Aunt Lornas old house in Lindon. There, was my aunt and uncle, some dogs, my nana and papa and uncle Duane. We looked in the fridge and there was hardly any food. My nana said she didn't feel well and we asked if she had eaten at all and she said no. She thought she was going to pass out and she did. We tried catching her and helping her and wondered why there wasn't a lot of food in the fridge when they have places that can deliver or do a grocery pick up. She was fine and we left. I think Lexi and Max and their dog was in my dream, there were maybe 5 of us in a car and a dog and I think I had to get back to school for a class I was taking. 


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