Homemade Pancakes

I'm so proud of the food changes that Kevin and I have made the past few days. I know...it's ONLY been a few days...but it's still something that we both need and I'm excited to continue this journey. One of our favorite meals is breakfast for dinner - pancakes or french toast, eggs, grits, sausage, and bacon. Last night we decided to do a healthier pancake recipe, low sodium bacon, eggs, and grits with PAM spray instead of butter. This pancake recipe can be found HERE. I followed the recipe to a "T" and I literally had four pancakes. They were SO good. We also added a little bit of Cinnamon and Nutmeg in with the wet ingredients and I think that's what did it for me. If you make this, please let me know below and what your thoughts are!

1 cup powdered sugar
2 large eggs
1/2 cup water
1 1/2 cup self-rising flour
1/2 cup milk
2 tbsp butter
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg

Combine the flour and powdered sugar as well as cinnamon and nutmeg in a bowl. 

Melt the butter. Combine the wet ingredients (eggs, water, milk and butter). 

Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix until just combined. Heat a pan on the stove on medium heat. Spray with PAM or butter spray. Add 1/4-1/2 cup per pancake. Cook pancakes for 2-3 minutes on each side or until golden brown. Top with sugar free syrup. 


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