Exploring the Dreams of 2020: A Year of Vivid Nighttime Journeys and Subconscious Reflections

1/1 I had a dream that I was in Morocco and people were in the rivers and the water was so clear and amazing. I was only there for just a few minutes and I went right back into the U.S. without having to deal with the flights. It was an odd dream.

1/12 I had a weird dream like I was given drugs because my whole dream was like I was high or drugged. Justin Risinger and Justin Thompson were both in my dream which makes even stranger. I remember going to Justin R. and he handed me this croissant and then I went into this building. I also remember playing one slot machine and then my mom saying that she was going to give me a bunch of change for my birthday so I could use it in the slot machine. I don't know how much I started with but I know I had $350 in the machine and told whoever I was with that I was "getting low" or "running out."

1/30 I had a dream that it was my birthday and Alexis and I went downtown (don't know what city). We sat next to these two guys and I ended up putting my leg on one even though I never saw his face and when he talked, he sounded like a jerk. The guy behind me said something like Happy Birthday to Anyone with a Birthday today! And I told him thank you. I think it was his birthday too. Alexis and I got off the bus and I realized I left my purse on the bus. We tried to flag the bus down but couldn't. I then realized that the bus driver lived downtown and we snuck into his house for some reason. I also remember telling someone what my purse looked like. Alexis and I kept going house to house maybe looking for the bus driver? And hiding and sneaking in houses. It was strange. 

I had a crazy and wild dream last night. I was with Kevin at our house but our house ended up being nana and papas house. We both worked at Progrexion (which I worked at in Utah and left in 2012) but I still had my work from home job as my main job. I woke up with Kevin around maybe 11am and realized we both should have been at work. I didn't have anyone's number because I think this was my first day back but I wanted to call in sick since it was so late already and my family was coming in to town. I texted Felipe who worked with me back in 2012 and he called me. Luckily I sounded sick on the phone and he said ok I could come in tomorrow. Kevin ended up going in. Anyways my family decided to show up and visit, nana and papa, my mom, aunt lorna and Uncle steve, aunt sandi and her kids and then some of Nanas side of the family. So in this house we had a hot tub and everyone pulled up to the house and there was this black truck that some of Nanas family was in that I never met and they decided to pull in next to papas truck and another truck so it was a very tight squeeze. We told them not to park there and to find another spot. They keep going and we can see sparks like the truck is going to catch fire. It keeps going and going and doesn't stop in the parking lot and instead decided to crash right into the house, into the living room and finally ends in the hot tub. We go in and make sure everyone is okay but leave the truck in the hot tub because we have no idea how to move it. We end up all leaving and go to a movie but this movie isn't like regular movies. Everyone has 3d glasses with something different on the outside of them. So we are all participants in this movie but it's the movie itself that throws things at certain people to make it seem like we will get hit when of course we don't but that's all based on the type of glasses. When it gets to me, I got something thrown at me and flinched and closed my eyes and the big screen took a picture or you could see my reaction. Kevin "liked" or "thumbed up" the photo somehow. That's how I knew he was watching us from work or showed up at the theater, I wasn't sure. That night him and I decided to go in the hot tub and talked about how all of us could have moved the truck, which I didn't think would happen. Somehow the truck was gone at this point so it must have been towed or something. I don't know where my family was but it was just Kevin and I. We then both went to bed I think and woke up late the next morning. I talked to Kevin and he said I could only work at Progrexion if I worked 5 hours a day which is what I currently work from home. I didn't understand why I was even wanting to do that in the first place and we talked about if I just focused on my home job, Progrexion would hire me back again but I didn't want to work 55+ hours a week. I then talked to my mom about it and followed her upstairs with another person while we talked. Seemed like she wanted me to continue to work there but I never made the decision before waking up. 

I had a dream that I had a gun to my head. I closed my eyes and prepared myself for death but he didn't pull the trigger. Throughout my dream I was trying to dodge this same person. I had told him I was on my period and asked him if I could use the restroom. He said yes and I tried to escape out the window. I was up way too high but saw some people below. There was also an attic but it was also up too high. I think I ran out. Then I remember being in a car or on this weird bike thing or something, and he was behind me a little ways trying to shoot at me. At the very end of my dream, I told him there were three of us that had been working at this job the longest and that we should be the "threesome" group of being there so long. So at the end, I did not die and did not get shot but I had to dodge this guy like 3 or 4 different times. It was so scary. 

2/13 I had a dream that I lived 5 minutes away from Dave C (my Dad's friend) and his wife. I purchased two copies of my book and gave it to them and the wife's mom and then I told them in exchange, I would help clean for them (I don't know why or how that is a fair exchange). So I went over around 7:30-8pm knowing I needed to be home by 8:30 to help put Jace to bed. I went over there and I only saw the wife and talked to her. She said she plays in a soccer and football league locally but wasn't skinny and didn't look in shape. She wasn't overweight either though. I helped to vacuum this carpet and wiped down this thing (I don't know what it was for, I don't quite remember) and then the Mom brought in this same thing and I rinsed it under water. It was like a kids toy but it could get wet and it was made for adults somehow? I cleaned it by putting it under the sink and rinsing it off. I told the wife that I had to leave soon because I have to help put Jace to bed and she seemed really annoyed by that/ignored that I said that. I remember I was there until at least 9 and then I woke up.

Last night I also had a dream that I saw Alicia (from River Oaks Hot Springs) come up to my house and I thought it was for me. Bryan went out there and I went down these stairs and saw him hugging and kissing her. I opened the door and said, "Oh I thought you were here for me" she said no and then I went inside and flipped her off.

2/14 I had a dream that I was in charge of making these cute gift box for teachers. I was putting some together and it was a later night project. Bobbi Lane was helping me put them together - I think I only needed six. I went outside, I think about to go home and right across the street there was a Walmart and I saw a guy with a gun in his hand with a gun up as if he was going to shoot. I tried to go back inside and there was someone behind me that worked at the school. I think they got dragged out or something so I was able to make it inside the building and I warned people that there was someone with a gun, it was late so there wasn't a lot of people. Apparently it was talked about on the TV so we turned the TV on and watched it. 

I had a dream that Kevin and I were in a fight and he went outside and a girl wiped his tears. They then walked away from each other and she went back and kissed him. Someone had it on video and showed me and I didn't talk to him for two days. I ended up going somewhere with her for some reason. I wasn't mad at her which was strange. It took me awhile before I realized that she kissed my boyfriend.

I had a very clear dream that I was with my boss Marcy, Shannon M, Amanda, Alexis was a baby, and Amy Martinez. We all went swimming together and we were at this pool. It was Amy's birthday on March 14th and so we were celebrating her and one other person (I can't remember who). I remember there was this mom and child in the swim lane and she was holding him and I took the lane marker and moved it over their head and made it so I was in between the lane. We were going to go to another pool but I woke up before we could do so.

I had a dream that my mom worked at the post office and she worked with my Aunt Sandi. My Aunt Sandi was just down the street so my mom, amanda, and I decided to go down there really quick. I had no shoes on but it was fine. When we got to the house, my Aunt Sandi and Stephanie were there and then my Uncle Scott's sister-in-law and a bunch of kids. I felt awkward, no one gave any hugs or anything even though it's been awhile since we have seen them. They had their garage open and a couch in it and I just went and sat on the couch. I felt out of place. 

I also had a dream that mom was talking on the phone but I'm not sure who she was talking to. She kept going on and on and no one was saying anything so I figured she was talking to me so I hopped on the phone and started talking to her.

I drank this Sleep drink last night and had a wild dream. I was with Kevin and we were in my car, parked. It was 6pm. I was in the drivers seat and he was in the passengers seat. He was on YouTube and I told him that we should probably get home before we get tired and that he could drive. A few minutes later, he was snoring so I drove us. We stopped and I tried to take a shortcut that I have taken several times before, but walking, not driving, and I left Kevin in the car. It was kind of this maze thing where I go through this lady's backyard and around the side of the house, open the gate latch and get where I was going easier. Apparently a lot of people did this. So much so that when I went to the backyard, it was completely different and we had no access to the side of the house anymore, it was like bricks stacked on top of each other but no side of the house. I backtracked and decided to go this side way which ended up taking me to the front of her house. I looked in and saw this flowy, old lady so full of energy through these huge windows. She reminded me of Carealla Deville from 101 dalmations - I don't know why or how but I remember thinking that. She had to have been 100 years old or older. She showed me these crystal balls and then asked me how I got to the front of her house since she was trying to keep people from cutting through. I told her there was another way once I backtracked that still took me to the front of the house. Next thing I know, Jace is with me. And I don't remember anything after that.

I had a dream that my Mom's husband, Ron, gave Andrew and I tickets to do this obstacle course but it was at the airport. Andrew was little, maybe 7 or 8. In my hand, I had the ticket and I had a big folder. I took Andrew to the airport and tried to match my ticket up to the terminal but didn't see it at all. I went to the front desk and as I was there, they had two entrances to the airport - one to the left and one to the right. There was a light up sign on the left saying "All Sold Out" so no more passengers could enter. I saw the sign on the right say "Available: 60" and then "Available: 16" so I wanted to make sure I could get inside before they said it was all sold out. He told me I was fine because I had a pre-paid ticket. He took us all the way around the airport and finally to where we needed to be. You could see a video of the obstacle course above the doors so you knew what type of course it was. It was kind of like being on the Indiana Jones ride where they had the big rock chase after you and you had to run from it. They took you in in teams of 4 people. There were 6 of us and I wasn't sure if we were going to go in next or have to wait a round. By this time I had to go to the bathroom so I went to the front to ask them at what point we were going in and then I woke up.

I had a dream that Susy had a private "meeting" with Amanda, Mom and Ron and decided that she wanted to take over my finances. As a peace offering, she made me this pretty crown out of ribbon. I told her I would keep the crown but I have no issues with my finances. It was like an intervention or something. 


I had a dream that Alexis, amanda and I threw up cheese. I literally saw part of a cheese slice which I don't think is possible in real life but quite hilarious.

I also dreamed that I worked 30-60 minutes per day with this guy in his 50s. I think it was for marketing but I rarely remember doing much of anything. He did ask me once about graphic design and I said I could try and design something and I usually use colors that correlate with the brand when I do look for or edit or create artwork. Him and another guy agreed with that. I was putting together something for my mom that I was going to mail her while I was on the clock working with this guy. I had it all packaged up but she literally either lived or worked upstairs from where we were so I asked him if I could just take the package to her and he said yes. While there my mom asked me how I am paying my Bill's every month- in front of a few people that were also there- I told her I work 18 hours with one company and then an hour or two a day with the guy downstairs. And then I went back downstairs. And I guess the day before, I had helped to create something for this guy, or my boss right..and he had like this showcase of certain items and he asked me if I see anything different or if I saw what we had worked on the day before. I spent so much time looking at every piece and looking from different angles and saw nothing different. Then I woke up:)

4/21 I had a dream that I won $11,000 on a slot machine! The only problem was, I didn't have my I.D. with me! It was 6pm and they told me I had until 8pm to get my license or I.D. and show them or else they would be keeping my winnings. My whole dream was literally trying to find a way to get my I.D. My stuff was at this random apartment with some of my girlfriends but I didn't actually stay there. I was trying to have Mom take me to get it and she kept talking instead of taking me and I told her I only had one hour left so she just left me at the apartments because she got mad that I told her to stop talking. So I tried to catch an Uber or a ride back to the casino. I had someone say they would come get me but after awhile, didn't show up so I decided to walk. I knew I was going to be late so I called the casino and asked if I was 10-15 minutes past 8 if they would be OK with that and if I could still claim my winnings. He was very hesitant at first and I told him I was trying to get there as quickly as I could. Before I got the casino, I woke up :(

4/25 I had a dream that we were at church camp, but we were our age now - in the 30's - and it was more like a non-church camp because we didn't do anything related to church. It was an international trip so we were in another country. All I remember is Cody Davis was there. I had a few girlfriends and I asked that they requested to be Facebook friends. I think one was named Sarah. Then we were at this gift shop place looking at stuff to bring back home. I saw this cute ceramic painting and you can paint anyones name on it. We were going to get one with our three names painted on it - like a BFF sorta thing. And then we moved to another part of this market where there was a collection of 5 miniature Pasolivo olive oils. "Sarah" asked me if I wanted that because her and our other friend wanted to buy me a gift. I told her I used to work at Pasolivo and I would love that but she figured that since I used to work there, I wouldn't want anything related to them. We kept looking. A group of people were leaving that night at 12:30am. So we said bye to some of our friends and other friends and myself stayed for the rest of the time. I remember playing a sports game like soccer and I was talking to a few people. I was talking to this guy while we were going down these stairs outside. It was a very strange dream.

5/2 I had a crazy dream. So I dreamed that Provo Fire Department was putting on a parade out of state and raising money for either a paramedic or family that had an injury or death, I don't really know but anyways they put on this event and a lot of my family was there - nana, papa, aunt sandi, aunt lorna, me, amanda, mom and a few others. It was in Florida I think so we went and the first thing we were offered was massages. I was fine with that but it was a weird setup and I don't think I actually got a massage. You go in a stall type thing and you get into this thing where you are standing up and it's weird inflatable material stuff around you. A guy was giving me directions and saying that no one could see in so I took my shirt off for the massage (he had left at that point, he was only there to instruct) and then I got in this thing. I don't remember the first hour but I had looked over at my time and after the hour ended, it gave me 7 more minutes. I could see and hear the massage therapist moving blankets or sheets around but she never massaged me for that time. So I was going to write a bad review for them. Then randomly, Sus came into my room and she didn't really say anything since my massage time was going but the rooms/stalls were really big and there was a lot of space. Anyways we are done and now we are going to go watch the parade. The fire truck is in front and I run to that so I can see if I recognize anyone. I have no idea why but Bunk (one of my Provo clients years ago) was at the front of the fire truck. I said hi to him and I think he was the only one I recognized. It was an actual parade so there were different floats that were promoting things. Then we had these assigned rooms that we can go in when we need to take a break, or sleep in. For some reason mine had my initials and my ex Kevin's initials but we weren't even together obviously and he wasn't even there so that was strange. We had dinner and decided that we wanted to go to disneyworld before our flight. By the time we got there, we had two hours until we had to leave to the airport. I asked nana and papa and aunt lorna and everyone else who was there if it was worth going and paying for a full day when we only had 2 hours. We tried to gather coupons and really thought about it and decided to go in. I had coupons for free batting cages that I knew my Kevin now would love but he wasn't with me :( I remember us waiting to go in, we got a locker and then I woke up :(

5/6 I had a dream that I got to hold this baby girl who was maybe a week or two. She was so tiny and she had big eyes. She was very aware of things going on. 

5/8 I had a long dream but to sum up, I was downstairs on the couch with my sisters friend and I went to lay down and moved the blankets and I almost laid on this huge,massive snake that was curled up. I freaked out and asked the guy if that really was a snake and he said yes. My nana and papa were asleep upstairs so I went to wake papa up and realized that the room my nana was in and next to it had water coming from the room. I opened the door that nana was in and saw that the huge fish tank was broken, there was glass and water everywhere. Now in my dream, the snake had escaped from the fish tank. I went to the room papa was in, woke him up and he went downstairs. I went and did something else while he took care of the snake. Or so I thought. Papa was upstairs and I went into the bathroom and that dang snake was there again. This time it was following me like it was a dog. I walked out of the bathroom and it followed me out. I walked back in, told it to "go" and it went in the bathroom the rest of the way so I could lock him in there. Earlier that day I had found out that it was my birthday- somehow I didn't know?- and 3 of us were supposed to go scuba diving, I think me, amanda and sus. I paid $72 to go and I'm not sure why because when the time came to actually go, I didn't want to. I thought I would feel claustrophobic. I also texted the guy that ended up on my couch. I keep seeing him as Corey from 90 Day Fiancee. When he came over, it was our first time hanging out. I think Amanda and Sus had just gone upstairs because I think the fish tank was Amanda's. Apparently I saw a jumping spider in my bed a little bit before the snake and that had come from the fish tank too.

May 11 I had a dream that I worked at Progrexion and was trying to sell a client credit repair and I was on the phone with her for an hour and a half. It was weird because she was texting me and in the chat she said not interested and then it said she left the convos. But I was still on the phone with her and she didn't hang up. I think at the end I sold her so I'm glad I didn't hang up on her either.

May 24, 2020 I had this dream that this guy in Paris had put something in food of customers that made them sick. I think I was some sort of detective because I was going to get flown to Paris to figure out this situation. Next thing I know, the guy responsible is actually right where I am in the U.S. at this amusement park type thing so we are trying to figure out how to capture him and I even tested a few of what he made somehow and didn't get sick. I remember he was running away from us and getting people in line at the amusement park and I even rode a ride to myself to try and get away from him. 

Apart from that, I also had a dream that I had to go up and down stairs and try and find a specific route. If I choose the wrong route, something bad could happen. So I'm going up and down these stairs and I'm told if I don't follow the path, I will get shot at the end. So I go down about 9 flights of stairs and the ones I choose are lit up with Christian lights so i get to the bottom of the stairs and was told that i didn't get shot because i followed the lights and directions.

I had another dream about Jesse Risinger and i guess i worked at a post office or some sort of mail delivery place. He did this word search and wanted to send it to his parents for some reason. I told him we probably have a box so he wouldn't have to pay for one and then he had another wrapped gift. I think this was for Father's Day because he had something else too. Oh he had a few items of clothing, random items that he had bought from me I think. I was searching for a box when I woke up. Oh his parents also had a PO Box address and I was told I had to write on the envelope something about shipping to a PO Box and it not being their permanent address. It was like a sentence long. It was weird. 

May 27, 2020 I had a dream that I was dating Kevin but I started to like this guy (who was married) because he loved penny shopping as much as I did LOL

I had a dream that there was this flyer for gas being $1.58 a gallon. Kevin and I went to that gas station and there was only one pump working for it so there was this line of probably 10 people. It was worth staying in line for so I went and did something and Kevin stood in line. He only filled my tank a quarter and not sure why. 

May 29, 2020 In my dream there was Susy, emily, my mom, Kevin, bryan, ron and maybe a few others. We were all traveling from California to Utah and all drove separate cars except mom and ron drove their truck. We were cleaning our cars out and Bryan had gone to a meeting at 9am so we had to wait for him. I was unpacking some stuff for some reason and also packing other things. Kevin left to run to the store so we were waiting on him and Bryan. Susy and Emily got in an argument and susy had said " Well you're pregnant so..." and Emily went into a room and I think Amanda was there because she followed emily and talked to her. A few days after we got home, we were supposed to go to Vegas - my mom, ron, me and this girl jezica. I asked my mom if Kevin could go so while we were waiting for Kevin and Bryan to get back, we also looked into that. It was in jezicas name. I'm guessing she was a friend but she wasn't in my dream so I don't know what ended up happening to the Vegas trip. 

May 31, 2020 I had a dream that me and my friend mandi were moving in together. We found this small place and basically we would live with the lady who owned the house. The deal was we would have access to a kitchen and a bed each for $300/month total, so $150 each. We would have no living room and we would switch off making meals for each other. I thought this was a great way to save money and we would just pay for a storage unit every month. I was on board but Mandi wasn't...she failed to mention that she wanted her husband and 3 kids to also move in. That place was so tiny so we said no to that one. I found a mansion that was doing a similar thing except I think it was $800/month for all 6 of us. We told the owner, this time a guy, and I don't think he lived in the house, that we needed to talk about it. He said he needed to know by 10pm. Mandi and I went to this concert or some event and we didn't talk about the move. She had other plans when she left and I didn't realize that. I looked at the clock and it was 9:50. The owner happened to be right next to me so he asked me if I had made a decision. I called mandi and she said she didn't want to do the mansion so I told the owner no. Mandi offered to pay for a cab or taxi or someone to take me home. I rode there with her but was by myself after. I saw people taking the public bus but I decided to call a cab and then I woke up!

June 1 I had a dream that this guy really started to like me and he started to become super obsessed and stalker-ish. He wanted to take me to my house and I told him no and I had a feeling he would follow me and know where I slept.

June 2 I had a dream that Kevin and I were moving out of our apartments but we didn't have any money for a truck and the move. We were supposed to move out on Saturday and asked if we could move out on Monday and Pat and this lady that worked there said yes. We moved everything to the door and started calling some places about truck prices and availability. Jace was at this kids day movie thing where they have kids go in and watch a movie together. Timmy was there and apparently he had another brother between him and Rosy and that brother called me by name and knew who I was. Susy was there picking Timmy up even though this was pretty much mid-covid and she said she was wearing pants that were size 7. She asked what size I wore and I said I wore that size too. She picked her 3 kids up, we all said bye and left. At the apartments on Monday, Pat and the lady were actually cleaning the apartment themselves. They did a horrible job with trying to clean the walls but when Pat went into the other room, the lady told Kevin and I that they have a renter that is interested in our apartment that wanted to move in that night. I'm not sure what that meant for us but it was probably why they were cleaning the unit themselves.

6/4 I had a dream that I was back to making cupcakes again. I also had some cake orders that I took even though I've never made a fancy cake like they had wanted. Some orders I had to make for the next day and some were a month away. I prioritized it, went to the store and was gonna get some ingredients. I could feel like I didn't have time to make some and I hadn't had the time to experiment with making them. I said yes to all of the orders regardless of what they asked for and requested and was confident I could do it. I woke up before I could see what type of masterpieces I made. I'm sure that's a good thing.

6/6 I had a dream I was going to play a slot machine and I was going to use a $100 bill. It was a Classic machine that made me fold the bill and put it in this wrapper. I used a clothespin to close it and this machine took it and dropped it in the well. That wasn't supposed to happen and this  guy came up to me with the bill and said he found it in the well. I didn't try it anymore. Then I saw my Aunt sammie there and she said her new routine was to fly from Hawaii to California often because flights were only $50! 

6/7 I had a dream that Alana and her boyfriend were going to get married so they had a combined bachelor/bachelorette party at Cheesecake Factory. I ordered a few things and got my bill at the end and it was $305 😱😱 I had like $125 cash and so I had to go through all my cards and figure out how much I have on them. I had like 6 or 7 cards with the cash when Alanas fiancee said he was paying for everyone's meal...he got most of everyone's meal paid for since he was an army vet....and also that him and Alana weren't going through with the wedding. They had made the decision beforehand to not go through with the wedding but didn't want to tell anyone. I cried before that when he said he would pay everyone's bill because I didn't have an extra $305. Also my cousin emily was there and told me while I was in my phone, a few people got escorted out and the groom was flirting with my friend Skylar. It was very strange. 

7/11 I just had a dream that Kevin, Jace and I were just a few days away from moving back to Utah. We were planning on living with my mom for a few months until we get ourselves established. I was talking to mom on the phone about whether or not we should rent a Uhaul or come back for our furniture and larger items. I had even called Nana and told her we were moving in 3-4 days and we could stop by and see her and papa on our way out. Apparently Utah has been on my mind lately 😆😁😉

7/13 I had a dream that I got my job back at Domino's and Amanda worked there too. It was my first day but technically they never had me down as leaving so I showed I worked there for like 15 years lol. But anyways I didn't have a car or money and I had to work until 7:30. My dinner break was from 4:30-5 but I was hungry but didn't have a car and Shane who used to work with me and apparently still worked there, lent me some money and gave me a little bit of food. I had gone outside and across the street from us was a Dollar Tree and we heard yelling and at first we didn't see it as anything but then I said we needed to call 9-1-1 so I was the one that called them and then a person a few doors down also called. I'm not sure what ended up happening. After work I somehow I got to my car but then I parked my car and walked down this street with my eyes closed, opened my eyes right at a gas station which was next to the restaurant I wanted to eat at. Then I saw some people I knew so talked to them while walking back to my car.

7/20 This is weird because today would be my mom and dads anniversary if my dad was alive and I actually had a dream about my dad. So in my dream, my mom had asked him to write a note to Amanda and I about graduating high school, just in case anything happened to him. Amanda and I were at the school and I think it was close to graduation day and there was this scrapbook type thing at the front office. They had this note laminated from Dad and the first thing it said was, "Abbie and Amanda, I am so proud of you two for graduating high school." It showed a picture of him and then something at the top that I don't remember but it made Amanda and I both cry and even the two ladies that worked at the office were crying. 

7/24 I had a dream that I was going to dye my hair even though I had just dyed my hair two weeks before. I also had a dream that I was working in a restaurant but I did not have any training and I did not know where anything was. Two girls came in and I seated them and asked them if they wanted anything to drink. One girl said she wanted an Iced Tea. I went to the back to look for an Iced Tea but couldn't find it. There was a guy there (Preston Allen) who used to work there and he was there with his girlfriend. I asked him if he could help me with the Iced Tea. He had me put a little bit of chili powder in a cup and then showed me how to fill it with Iced Tea. Now that I think about it, I think he was trying to get me fired. I made the Iced Tea and took it to the girl and it probably took 20 minutes. After I took her the Iced Tea, her and her friend asked for Pepsi. I went through and looked at all of these rows of drinks and the Pepsi machine was so high that I could barely press the button for the ice machine and Pepsi to come out. In the back where the machines were, there was also a Lakers game on that other employees were watching as they were watching me struggle to press the Pepsi button and ice machine button. I took the Pepsi to the girls. I didn't necessarily ask them for their order because I did not know what I was doing.

8/4 I had a dream that it was the day before mine and Kevin's wedding. I didn't have any type of bridal shower and I don't even think the wedding was going to be super big. Randi and Latonya were both with me. I don't remember much. I think Alicia from River Oaks Hot Springs was in my dream too and she was super mean in person and super mean to someone in my dream. Randi and I were sitting on those things that take you up to the ski slopes and talking. 

8/13 I had a dream that I went into work one day and was told that I have a check on my desk for triple what my paycheck would normally be. I'm not sure if I worked those hours and never got paid or if it was a huge bonus. I looked at my check and it said $16888. Holy moses. I was about to call Kevin to let him know when I woke up.

8/15 I had a dream that Cody R. Lived down the street from me with his wife (different wife in real life) and three girls. I had stopped by there because his wife had been in national news because she had gone to a different country and either got drugged or got raped, it was a huge thing. This happened awhile before I visited but I think it was just now being brought to light. I was talking to them and we hung out for a bit. Kevin came over and so did cousin Emily but they were both eating. I was able to head home by myself so I hugged both the wife and Cody. Well Cody ended up putting his head close to me and literally not wanting to let go. He then tried to take me in the room and I said "I'm not going to have sex with you" and I could tell he wanted to. We came out and Kevin said it looked like we did, he was joking but I could tell Cody wanted to so I wanted to leave. Right before that, I had eaten and I saw Emily looking at the food and I apologized for eating too much of it and she was mad because I left no chicken for her. I wanted to leave though and I couldn't wait to tell Kevin what he was trying to do. I knew he would be mad.

8/17 I had a dream that I had parked my car and Kevin and I went inside. I came out awhile later and my car was gone and others were completely destroyed as if someone had taken a bat and just broke the windows and the doors to a few other cars. I went to different businesses asking them for security footage so I can see what happened to my car. Kevin thought I had parked it somewhere else or that nothing happened to it. I remember going to these apartment buildings and asking about surveillance videos. He looked through what he had while his little girl was just walking around. It was cute. She was probably like one years old and he acted like I had known him before so maybe I did. We were too far away with those cameras so I went to a school and then actually took/stole someones car with a child that I knew so that I could get closer to the parking lot where my car was stolen without having to walk. I actually remember driving through the school with the car and on the stairs which was pretty fun. I noticed across the street they had some video which was right next to the parking lot so as I was headed that way, I woke up.

8/21 I had literally the craziest dream. I had a dream that Kalyn from Teen Mom told me she was going to kill all 4 of her kids. I tried to stop her and I tried to tell her mom. I didn't go to the police as I was afraid that I would end up getting killed for telling. I tried several times to not have her do anything. She asked me one day if I was eating or drinking any dairy and I told her not really. I automatically thought that she had put something in my food. I had pretty much one chance to tell her mom what she did. Her mom kept asking about "Mary" and I think Kalyn was pregnant but I think she waited until after the baby was born. I finally had one chance to tell her mom that she killed all 4 of her kids and her mom tried to find out "where the kids were" from Kalyn. After an unknown amount of time, I was literally helping the discovery of the kids who were buried underground and more in the mountains. A cop was above me somehow and a baby in a blanket dropped in my arms. I just held it above my head because I knew it was dead. Kalyn had wrote on the inside of these walls my name and other names to defer herself from this. The cop and others knew it wasn't me and I had so much proof otherwise including text messages. I told the cop I knew about this and he asked me why I didn't call them and I told him because I was afraid I would die if I did. 

8/26 I had a dream that Marisa from Pasolivo was super rude to me at first and then we ended up getting each other and somewhat liking each other. Alana was there and my Mom was there and she wanted a tour of Pasolivo and see around. At first it was like we were gonna go hiking up there because we had on some clothes as if that was the case, and then it was like we wanted to go swimming because I think there was like 5-10 of us in this group and we passed a pool, walking, and said something about us just going swimming. It was not a public pool though and I think it was owned by some apartments, otherwise I totally would have. We were now in the car and I was trying to remember how to get there. I asked Marisa if we needed to turn right and she said no, left. I'm even bad with directions in my dream. I also remember going to a Best Buy and having to use their restroom and there was a super long line. I had to go to the bathroom so bad but they had one toilet but they said the line moved quick and it did. By the time I got to the bathroom, the toilet literally was disgusting, hadn't been flushed. It had a tampon and an empty toilet paper roll and pee all over the floor and just disgusting stuff. It was literally such a random dream overall.

8/27 I had a dream that it was the day before my birthday and we were planning this big birthday party for me and we were getting things ready and prepared and Kevin started talking to a girl, I don't know if I knew her or not but they were talking about the party or whatever and I open the door and he's kissing her. The day before my birthday and he cheated on me.

8/28 I had a dream about Teddy. I was dating Kevin but Teddy and I were watching a movie outside on like this four level up story. It was kinda odd but anyway we were sitting next to each other and I kinda liked him so it was weird and hard to not flirt with him or do anything when Kevin and I were dating.

9/2 I had a dream that I started a new job and the people I worked with were super weird. They gave me a pickle gift pack or something as a welcome gift. I didn't go in to train until like 5:30 in the afternoon and I stayed until 7. I asked the lady what time she wanted me to be there the next day and she said 5:30. I didn't even do much that first day. It was supposed to be for email and website support but we had like 4 or 5 people there doing the exact same thing and everyone was just talking and then we received one email that came through for support and that was it the entire time so unless we had inquiries come through, we didn't have anything to do, literally. I have no idea why they hired me in the first place. Also the boss went into the bathroom and was in there for like an hour from like 6:30-7:30 so I didn't really do anything and didn't really talk much to the other people. Super awkward and weird. 

I had a dream that Kevin and I both lived where we live now and I was a Real Estate Agent and would be showing the house because it's up for sale on the 62 acres of property - valued at $1.2 million. Another guy, also named Kevin, was interested in the property. He had been texting me and said that he wanted to come see the property. He came by and looked at it, not realizing I was in a relationship (you'll see why I brought this up). He had on super expensive clothes, you could tell he had a lot of money. He left and texted me later and asked me if he could come see the property again because he really liked it. He also asked me on a date. I told him he could come look at the property and that I wasn't interested in a date. He ended up purchasing the property and I ended up being happy with my Kevin <3 nbsp="" p="">

9/16 I had a dream that Kevin, Jace and I were going to pick up dinner and we had already ordered it. When we got there, they never found our order and they asked us if we wanted to sit down, stay at the restaurant and eat and re-order. Kevin was OK with that (usually he likes to take out and eat at home) and I said as long as we weren't double charged. I was still standing up and placing a new order and really hoping that Kevin would come up behind me and hug me from behind. He ended up doing that and it made me so happy. And then we were going to sit down and eat. I also dreamt that Timmy and Jace's birthday were close together so we had talked to Susy about doing a combined birthday party. I was actually looking into other things and talked to this person about having a separate birthday party for Jace and he wanted me to pay $12,000! I don't remember all of what it was but it was at that point that I messaged Susy asking if we could still do the combined birthday.

9/28 I had a dream that I was traveling to Las Vegas and I was planning on spending one week there. I purchased a really cheap place to stay and they said it would be $20/night. I didn't know what I was getting for that low of a price but it was all I had. Before I got there, Amanda decided to join me for one night so I called ahead to see if I could add a bed or have a different room for the first night and then go down to the $20/night the remainder. They told me that it was a Men's Corridor and I told the person on the phone, "Well clearly I am not a man." I waited until I got there to resolve anything. This was not even a hotel, in fact, it was pretty opposite. It was a Men's Corridor, yes, but there were also a few women there. We went to the front and worked out a few things and then she took us to our room. Well, it wasn't our room, it was a shared room with probably 20 people. The room itself was fairly huge and we each got our own bed (although I think Amanda and I would have still had to share but everyone separately had their own). Apparently the bathroom was really gross but I never looked at it. There was a TV or two in the rooms and they were fairly huge. There were also a few windows so it seemed OK for a week. It was like I was in a home and had a lot of roommates. Outside of the room there was a large area to hang out and a TV was on with the Dallas Mavericks game. Apparently it was like Dallas was the Las Vegas team because everyone was saying if they win, it's gonna be HUGE for them. There was a group of us that went across the street to Dollar General (you know I love that place!) and I used the bathroom over there since supposedly the one at the corridor was dirty. This bathroom was amazing though, it had like 5 different types of bathrooms and stalls. I don't know how to explain it. Although I had trouble locking the bathroom stalls on like most of them lol but it was gorgeous in the bathroom itself. 

9/29 I had a dream that I won $20,000 on a slot machine but only received $11,000 because my "boyfriend" at the time (not Kevin) took $9,000 of it. He was the one that supposedly was to give me the full $20,000 but didn't. He then kept lying and saying he didn't take it. I saw the cash in his pocket and I started recording him so I could get my money. He finally confessed and I think he gave me all of the money. I also had a dream that I was driving with Mom and I was going on I15 in Utah. The road looked like it was going straight but Mom said, "Did you know there is a curve right here?" and I said "No" as we flew off the cliff. I woke up before anything could happen but my heart rate was high when I woke up.

10/16 I slept for probably 11-12 hours last night so I had a lenthy and detailed dream. Basically everyone was living at moms house - all the siblings, nana, papa, me, mom and Ron. They had a huge backyard (bigger than theirs now) and had a pet cow. Anyways, I was home by myself and working from home. I didn't have much work to do so even though I was clocked in, I went outside for a few minutes. Mom had her neighbor basically be her gardener and she was helping pull weeds and doing stuff outside. So I guess I wasn't home alone but all of my family was gone and no one was inside the house. The pet cow was outside chilling. I came inside and looked at my computer to see if there was any work to do. Apparently at my company now we sold some skincare products. My boss Marcy was telling me there was this lady that gave her a facial and she told the esthetician that she could have or use any of our products if she needed to. I guess she ended up passing and used another companies products - one was which was called porn. I wasn't sure what this product involved but it sounded beyond disgusting and is a terrible name for a skincare product. She said she was using it on her baby too! Ew. So while I was reading that and responding to that, I calculated it as time "worked". We were desperately trying to find something for me to do work-wise so I decided to just go outside and kind of take my time but still was clocked in. Whoops. Anyways apparently this cow was like a dog because I also remember that I was on the couch and it jumped up on me and laid on me like it was a dog. And this cow took up the entire couch almost so yeah, it was very strange.

10/23 I had a dream that it was New Year's Eve and it was Randi, Kevin, me and another girl. Once midnight hit, the girl next to me pulled me to her face and started kissing me. I looked over and saw Kevin and Randi kissing. I was so heartbroken. Afterwards, Kevin was in the room and I said, "You better get your stuff and leave" and he said, "I know" It was so sad.

10/31 I had a dream I was in a bedroom in this house and there was a snake in the closet. The snake moved to the stairs, went down the stairs, into the garage and then went outside. I was keeping an eye on it because there were other people in the house. I think at one time it was outside of a bathroom and someone was in the bathroom. I also had a dream there was like 5 couples and we were all in the living room and our kids were at school. We all said we should go make love to our partners and we all went towards rooms and then I woke up.

11/4 I had a dream that Amanda bought a plane ticket to come here to California. I then wanted to buy a ticket to Utah to fly out and see her but as I got to the airport to purchase a ticket, I looked at my bank account and had $1.50 in my account. So much for that idea.

November 2020 I had a dream that Susy and Rosie came over and I asked Rosie to give me kisses and she kept kissing me on the cheek, it was the sweetest thing. I also had a dream that Kevin had his shirt off and had a huge zit on his chest. I don't pick his zits so this girl walked up and was about to do and looked at me and said, "Do you mind if I pick his zit?" and I said "Yes I mind" and she said something like "too bad" and picked it while I turned away. I was so mad!

December 2020 I had a dream that I worked a hard and long laboring job but it was about flying and also there was this huge playplace like the McDonald's ones but for adults. I worked from 8:30-5:30 but by 4 I was so tired I didn't want to do anything anymore. I was asked to go in an airplane by my instructor and two men were in the front and I was in the back. I had a hard time hearing them because of how loud it was but I thought they had asked me something about a movie and they could tell in my eyes that I Had no idea what they were saying. When we landed, one of the men told the instructor, "We asked her if she would be OK if the airplane had a malfunction and she said yes and shook her head." I didn't realize that was what they asked me. Obviously because of my Dad, I would have ever said yes to that. I also had a dream that I slept over at the church (FBC) I think for a work event and Cody R. drew a heart on my thigh so that was weird. 

I also had a dream about one of the Karr boys. I don't remember what happened or anything, just that he was in it.

December 16 I had a dream that I was dating Kevin but I was on vacation with my family at Nana and Papas. apparently you need a passport to go there. Kevin wasn't with me and I hadn't even talked to him my whole vacation. I think I had even gone on Tinder while I was there :/ Nana, Papa, me and some of Amanda's kids went to church but Nana ended up making us all mad so everyone went home after just a few minutes there. Papa wanted to go downtown to see the Christmas trees and for some reason we had to continue to drive taxis around. The day before we were supposed to be leaving, I think my cell phone fell out of my pocket and in one of the uber/taxis because I couldn't find it anywhere. We were supposed to leave the next day and Mom said as long as I Had mine and Kevin's passport and knew what time I was picking him up (I'm not sure where he was) than we didn't need my phone. I was hoping to get it back and I searched nana and papa's house and couldn't find it. 

I had a dream earlier this month that my heart rate on my FitBit was over 300bpm and I was somehow still alive.

December 17-21 I had a dream that I had a crush on my boss and had a lot in common with Kevin. Maybe he was Kevin but I couldn't do anything with him since he was my boss. Just like Kevin, he was cute, had a sense of humor and literally said some of the exact same things. He also ordered McDonalds which Kevin loves and does. It was strange how similar they were.

I also had a dream that I tried to wake up and open my eyes but my eyes wouldn't open. 

December 22-25 I had one dream where I was judging a performance at a gym but there were two gyms. In order to get to the other one I had to go down this hallway. The only thing was, the hallway had water which was almost as high as me, it was about 5ft 5in of water. I had my laptop in one hand and my pet dog in the other and I was barely above water trying to not get my laptop wet. My dog wasn't a big dog either, he was fairly heavy and big and I was trying to hold him above water while I was basically drowning. The sacrifices I made. 

Dec 28 - I had a dream that Alana came over and Kevin sat right next to her and told her she looked good. He was super into her and it made me really sad. Especially since I was watching it play out in front of me. 


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