Unveiling My Real Dreams of 2019: A Year of Vivid and Intriguing Nighttime Adventures

1/2/19 I had a dream that I was a teachers assistant for I think Seniors? We were in like a dorm though and this couple was talking about collecting rent from each other. I told them that if they collect money, we will find out and they will be in trouble. This other kid was doing a presentation and went to the front of the class and said he was circumcised. Then I sat down and accidentally shot this arrow thing behind me when the teacher was talking and it hit a guy in the arm and everyone noticed. Then I ran into a spiderweb and thought there was a spider on me. I went through and took my jacket off and was freaking out.

I had a dream that britanee haymond invited me to the mormon church. I said yes and jokingly asked if I had to give a speech or share my testimony. She encouraged it so I spent a week writing out what I was going to say. It ended up being 10 pages long. During church, I arrived with Amanda and my Dad was there too! Britanee and her sister Ashlee were so excited to see us. 

1/10/19 I had a dream that I was in Las Vegas. I was there about four days and never gambled or went to the casino. I remember the final night I was asked to babysit two kids. I think it was Amanda's kids or something because I remember her showing me the hotel and she wanted to switch me keys so that I can have a key to her hotel room. Her hotel room you walked in and there was a hole that you would have to go down to get to the main floor. It was super weird.

1/16/19 I had a dream that Cindy Davis got pregnant (and she's in her 50's now). I also had a dream that I was on a bike or motorcycle headed home and I was stuck in "traffic" of other bikes and motorcyles. After about ten minutes I decided to go around the other bikes and I'm glad I did because I drove past a lady who had fallen asleep and was holding "traffic" up.

1/17/19 Kevin and I weren't dating or living together in my dream. I think we had broken up but I still saw him. I guess I had posted online about dating my professor or something because this is what Kevin texted me "I'm sorry to hear that you and the professor broke up. If you want, I can give you some money to change your class to Tuesday from 9-10:30am so you don't have to see him anymore" I let Kevin know that the teacher and I were never officially together. I'm not sure if I ever switched the time. Kevin had come over at some point and I think that was the first time I saw him in a week. I also remember him going with me, my mom, grandma, uncle V and Aunt Jennifer somewhere. We were walking and these two like weird shaped car things were driving and almost hit us. I also remember I was asked to do like a CPR practice test on a little child. I did math in my dream and I was supposed to have the child breathe into this bag thing but I also did small chest compressions. It was weird. I think some of Dads friends requested I did that for some reason. And then I was in my bathroom at my old house in PG and Kevin was outside. I'm not sure why or what he was doing. 

1/21/19 I had a dream that we were at a school and on the intercom they said, "POLICE" which was code for there was a shooter on campus. I went and found the nearest door and people were asking where the shooter was coming from. Everyone was running around so chaotically. I ran inside this door where maybe 4-5 other people were. It was seriously so scary. 

1/24/19 I had a dream that Sus posted on her Facebook story a photo of Libby holding Rosie. The problem is that Sus is in Florida. I also had a dream that she also shared photos of Chanel too. I was so confused because I thought she was still on vacation.

2/1/19 I had a dream that I was driving down the Grade and it was raining and there was a semi truck that kept swaying back and forth and I was driving right behind it. It was so scary!

2/3/19 I had a dream that Mom put me in charge of watching her truck until she got home. She had a red truck and a few days before, as a joke, we had put a sign on the back of the truck saying something like, "the keys are in the car, feel free to take it" or something to that effect. Well I had parked the truck in front of our driveway, put my keys, phone and other things on top of the truck and went inside. I looked out the window and saw that it was raining and the mail lady had put my mail on top of the truck with my other items. I didn't want them to get wet so I grabbed my jacket and ran outside to grab the mail. As soon as I headed out the door, the truck, mail, my phone, and keys were gone. I went inside and started freaking out. Kevin and maybe my sister or someone else was inside with me. I was trying to think of what we could do. We had no cameras around so I decided to call the police. By that time though, Mom was already home. She didn't ask about the truck (thank goodness) but I was trying to be on the phone with the police and explaining to them what happened and she kept wanting to follow me or know what I was doing. I went into the bathroom and she still found me. I went upstairs in the bathroom, finished the conversation and told them that the truck was red, it had the sign on the back, and my keys had a Broncos lanyard. I think I finally told Mom about it because I remember that Kevin and I went to look for the truck towards L.A. (we pointed at Southern CA on the map) and I think my Mom went North. Well, we found the truck, and Kevin's work friends Bryan and Soto had it. When I went to them and confronted them, I told Bryan I hated him. I then went home and Uncle V and Grandma/Grandpa were there and had surprised us. I was so excited to see them. I also looked at Instagram on my phone and was being tagged in these photos of head wraps as if I used a hashtag that had to do with that. It was quite odd. Then I woke up.

2/5/19 I had a dream that Teddy and I lived together (as if he took the place of Kevin) and I was still working part time and he was working full time. The only difference is he kept talking to his friends and letting his friends know where he lived. Apparently we moved to a "nicer" part of town where now his "friends" were breaking in, bringing guns and trying to rob us or shoot us. Teddy left me home basically to try and fend these people off. It was so scary. Some of them would just walk through the windows and come inside the house and have these huge guns. I woke up scared for my life. But luckily I woke up laying next to Kevin <3 font="" nbsp="">

2/7/2019 I had a dream that I was in color guard still and we were going to perform but we were running through what we were going to do to prepare for the show. We were supposed to go up to the 11th floor so we could start getting ready. A few of us got in the elevator and realized there was not an 11th floor. I saw a 12 and like a 79 but that was it. We were all running up the stairs because we still needed to get to the 11th floor. It was wild and everyone was in these pretty dresses. The staircase though to run through was huge so there was a lot of room and people. 

2/15/2019 I had a dream that I had just gotten a job as a marketer and my boss was....Jaces 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Andrade. She was not a very nice boss. It was my second day at work and she was telling the other lady that had been hired how pretty she was and making me feel awkward. I excused myself and went to the bathroom which was next door and happened to be my old church. I think Katie was there and I had asked her where the restrooms were. I found them and went and then decided to take off some layers because it was hot and I put them in a plastic bag. When I went out of the church and was headed back to the trailer which is where I worked, I saw a car out front that I didn't recognize. I went inside and there was a class full of kids and someone else teaching them. My desk was right in front and mrs. Andrade was on the side, very mad that I had taken so long. I had to fill out these worksheets for her but I had missed some of the answers he was giving. I think it was after he left, she told me she didn't like my aura or my hair and two other things that I don't remember. And I said "that is why you don't like me? That makes sense now" and then I woke up! 

2/21/2019 It's crazy how many dreams I have had about being on my period. This time Kevin and two kids (!) were out in the car and I was inside. I had been bleeding and there was blood by the door, all on my dress, and in the bathroom. I was freaking out because this obviously is not normal. I told Kevin that I was cleaning up some blood and he said OK and it took forever for me to clean it up. I also had a dream that I was at a fair or something with I think Chanel and Sus. Another guy was there and I had stolen two flowers that was at this boutique thinking it was OK and the boss came out and asked who took them even though I had them in my hand. The guy stood up for me and said he did it and the owner said he had to pay her $20 for it. I remember him telling me that I owed him $20. 

2/22/19 I had some weird dreams since I took a sleeping aide since I have been sick. One dream was that I had a newborn baby and I flew home with it. "Home" was Nana and Papas house. I don't know if the baby was a boy or girl but I remember arriving at Nana and Papa's and they were surprised I was home so early. I don't know if I was supposed to arrive way later or what. I also had a dream that I was cleaning right before I was going to leave to the airport and I had three different vacuums. And then Morgan and KC were in my dream which is super weird because I don't even think about them in real life. Morgan had this genius idea of how to get people to take a quiz in real life. Instead of just asking someone to take a quiz, he would like clip something to a person to get their attention, they realize they have something clipped or taped to them, ask what it is and then Morgan can proceed to ask them if they could take this quiz. This would be done to random people. Except I was like their "trial" person and he literally taped this paper to me like four times. I was so annoyed in my dream. 

2/23/19 I took the same sleeping aide last night and my dreams were so vivid. I had a dream that I still worked for Saxton Horne but some of the job could be done from home and on my cell phone. I had woken up (in my dream) and Spencer was at my house with someone else that worked there and I guess they were there to help with Nana and Papas backyard because I had woken up at Nana and Papas house. Since they stayed there until like 1pm, I figured I wouldn't get in trouble if I didn't go in to work that day. So I didn't go in until maybe 3pm. My boss was the lady that was my boss at SH (I completely spaced it on her name) and I got there and all of the sudden it was like a call center where I had to call customers and we had this new script. I was somewhat going over the script that was taped this board in a cubicle and I was somewhat distracted because I was going to leave in like an hour anyway. On the way home, I went with this girl from work and she ended up going too fast and we crashed into a car. She had a white car and we saw the front of our car go over the back of their car so the girl I was with went into superwoman mode and pulled it off and grabbed the girls out. There were three total girls in the car in front of us. I remember I had scrapes on my knee and it hurt to walk. I called the cops and could barely hear them. I went back into work since we were right by our job and told everyone that I had been in 3 accidents since working there, none of which I was the driver of. We waited and waited and an hour later, the cops had still not showed up and we had a program (kind of like a school program but for work) we were doing right by the scene of the accident. Everyone went outside and lined up and I could still see our car and the car we crashed into less than a block away. I was trying to participate in this program since we had some people watching us. Four of us were assigned a project (Jessica from SH was a part of this project too and then two guys). The main speaker that was talking also handed me and the other girl who got in the accident a rose. I thought we had received them because we had gotten in an accident so I asked him if that was why and he said he had no idea that we were involved in an accident. I think I had on super short shorts because I remember seeing myself in 3rd person walking or being in the work program. I remember seeing my scraped knees and elbows. The cops never showed up before I woke up.

2/24/19 I don't remember full details but my dream had nana, papa, uncle Steve, aunt lorna, cousin derek and nick cannon. Oh and my sister. 

2/26/19 I had a dream there was a mall in SLO and I lived in Paso. I went down to the mall with amanda and alexis and we went into this store where I was literally supposed to start working at two hours later. I walked in and they knew who I was (the people that worked there) and a lady pulled me to the side and asked me if I can change my shoes when I start my shift. I looked down and I was wearing tennis shoes. I told her I would try and walked out. I was thinking I could buy shoes at the mall somewhere. I sure as heck wasn't going to drive home 45 min away just to change my shoes. Then I simply decided this was too much and I wasn't going to work there afterall. It wasn't worth the hassle and I just wanted to spend time with my sisters:)

2/28/19 I had the weirdest dream last night. Our family trip was to Mongolia (I woke up and had to Google Asian countries that start with the letter "M" because I didn't even know if that was a real country).. Susy, Rosie, Timmy and Michael were there. Kevin and I were both there and that is all I remember. We flew in to the Mongolian airport and we were trapped there at least overnight because there was a huge storm coming in. I remember the airport had several different buildings and they were two different colors. I took photos of them in my dream which is why I remember they were two different colors. Michael had called me because his family was downstairs and I had to show him where to go or where we were supposed to stay. I remember Kevin and I were laying on this mattress on the floor. We were about to go to sleep and I saw this black bug on the wall. I got up and then when I went to go lay back down there was a long rolle polle bug on my pillow. And then there was this creature that I let crawl on me but it was like a squirrel or something as big as a squirrel. It was weird. 

3/2/19 I had a dream that I flew in with four of us to the Provo Airport and there was this train that would go around the airport like inside and there was a reason why we kept taking the train over and over. I think we were going to do that four times. So we go around and then have to get off with all our stuff then do it all over again. It was super weird but I took Nyquil so that's probably why. 

3/3/19 I had a dream that I was at Albert's Moms house and I met this guy there who was cute. We ended up kissing on her staircase. There were two problems with that. One, I was still with Kevin and two, my best friend liked the guy I had kissed. I guess I wasn't as into Kevin in my dream because I didn't want to tell him or didn't know how to tell him. He looked way different in my dream because it was Halloween and my mom had ordered some makeup. I tried it on and liked it and waited for Kevin. I went and got the mail and gave out candy. Kevin showed up literally on skis and in a snow outfit. Although it was Halloween, he had really gone skiing. It was 730pm and he said he had to go get Jace and get him a Halloween costume still! I think this was part of why I was trying to figure out our relationship. I told some person next to me that this was how it was every year, that he didn't get his kids costume until late Halloween night. I was trying to decide if I liked the other guy and wanted to break up with Kevin or continue with Kevin. I thought if I told Kevin about my cheating then he would cheat on me.

3/4/19 I had a dream that I was in this classroom and I had to sit amongst or next to the guys. I wasn't really enjoying the class so I took a break and went to the bathroom. I was on "girl time" and was gone about 15 minutes. There were four stalls and for some reason, I went to the fourth stall first. The toilet was almost up next to the stall so there was no room for me to sit. Then I went to the third one and there was something wrong with that one so I ended up in the second one. I came back to the classroom and sat on the floor, by the ladies. I had been sick and the teacher asked me about it. He asked if I had two things wrong that were going around and I said yes to both even though it wasn't true. He was handing something out and he handed it out to me first. There was a wedding after class with a "Smurf" theme. The bride was the cousin of someone in our class and the girls in my class invited me to stay after :) Although basically the whole class stayed after and participated. There were several weddings going on at once. It was very different and it was in the middle of the street. 

3/7/19 I had a dream that I was at a casino. I had a $500 check from Nana and then three $100 bills. I spent a $100 bill and then realized that my check was missing. I went through all of the trash cans because I was going to use the ATM to cash it out. I had called Nana and asked her if she could freeze or put a hold on the check and send me a new one and she said yes.

3/9/19 So today in real life is daylight savings. I had a dream I was meeting my sister or going to Utah or something but my sister was literally in the room next to me so I was way confused. Kevin was in my room and I was packing a bunch of stuff up. My clock said 8am and I think I was set to leave around 815. I then realized it was daylight savings and all of my electronics showed different times. One even said 6am. I asked Kev what time it was and he said 7am and I was so mad because I was almost done and ready to leave so I had to wait another hour. I went to Amanda's room and talked to her about how long she was staying here. So I guess she was visiting me but then I don't know why I was packing. 

3/13/19 I had a dream it was my birthday. Kevin wasn't in the picture for some reason so I was trying to figure out who to invite. I invited my ex Johnny and the twins. I was putting together a list of things to do and eat. My aunt Sami sent me some money so I bought a few lobsters and some ground beef. I don't like lobster so I don't know why I bought it. Amanda was there too. 

3/20/19 I had a dream that a cop asked me if I smoked weed before and I said no. He said to try some but you didn't smoke it, you just ate it. So I ate some and woke up before I could feel anything 

3/24 I had a dream that I was walking with Kevin and my grandma was right behind me and she was saying such rude things about Kevin. It sounded like she was more jealous because she said that my grandpa and Kevin got along more than her and Kevin did. But she was being so mean. In real life she likes him so it was weird that I dreamed that she absolutely didn't. 

3/30 In real life, I work part time and I just applied for another part time position from home. In my dream, I had gotten that second job but it wasn't from home, it was a Marketing Assistant at a restaurant. I didn't check my emails after my first job and decided to head to the first day of my second job. The restaurant was at the mall. I went up to the lady and she asked if I got her email about bringing my own soda or drink. I said I didn't have the chance to check my email but apparently I needed to bring my own drink. I was supposed to be working from 4-7 so maybe we didn't get a break? Anyways I was also wearing shorts because I went from my "first job" to this job Haha aka my at home job so I don't know why I was in shorts. I remember a few things from working there. I really wasn't a Marketing Assistant and more like a waitress. I wasn't trained in anything. A group of guys came in and I told them they could find a seat. They picked a booth in the corner. I asked the one guy what he wanted and he said chicken fingers. But they were ham. Like ham inside chicken nuggets but they were the dinosaur shaped ones. And the order of them only consisted of 4 of them so it was more like a half of a snack. The dinosaur nuggets were frozen so I asked the main lady if I just put them in the microwave and she said to just read what the package says. After work, there was pizza for everyone that worked there. I remember walking up to the table and I hear my name being screamed out. I turned around and it was David Blain (from Saxton Horne, my old job, not the magician) and he said some comment that I don't remember. And then I realize that like 3 people from SH worked at this restaurant. I don't think I had the chance to talk to them but I saw them. Although I think I told someone that this was a part time position and then I had another part time position as well. Either way this was a super weird dream. 

4/1-4/3 I had a dream that I was with Susy and we were making pizza. The temperature for the pizza ended up being in Euro's and I couldn't understand how much time was left. We almost burnt the pizza. I also had a dream that Pauly D from Jersey Shore wanted to date me. He asked me to get the WhatsApp and I did and then since I've used it before but it's been years, when I logged on, it asked me if I wanted to clear past data and I said yes. I was at Nana an Papa's house when I met Pauly D. He was a sweetheart. When he left, he said he had to go film the show that is about to be on TV, the one where him and Vinny are trying to find love. Well he said he liked me but if he was filming this show then I don't know how it would have worked between us. Then I had a dream that I had no phone service for three days. I kept trying but nothing happened. After three days I had six text messages from Mom and then a ton of other messages from friends. I also had a dream that I was at Nana and Papa's again and I was video chatting with my relatives and my cousins kept talking about my booty lol. 

4/6 I had a dream that I stayed two nights in this hotel in Asia. They gave me two 12-packs of toilet paper by my door. I walked in and turned the corner and they had toilet paper all in this storage unit and in the bathroom - in two different places, they had a bunch of toilet paper. My guess is someone complained about not enough toilet paper and then they overcompensated by placing it in four different places. I also had a dream that my ex, Kevin, was talking to me face-to-face and told me that he thought I was pretty and didn't want me to date anyone else. Next thing I know, he was on this rollercoaster with this girl and he waved to me. Super weird. 

4/11 Alana came over last night and we were talking about our heritage and background and she mentioned the Czech Republic. I had a dream I was taking a bath and had to pack because I was going to the Czech Republic. Except my suitcase was literally a cardboard box that was not even a regular box, it was a broken box. So I asked whoever I was with if they had a suitcase and they did. I was crying because I didn't even want to go to the Czech Republic. I was going to meet my family there for a family vacation but I was not looking forward to the long plane ride. 

4/22 I had a dream that I got shot 3 times so that someone famous wouldn't have died (I want to say Nipsey but it didn't seem like him). Instead of dying or even going to the hospital, I was super bruised and in a lot of pain so I'm not sure what kind of gun was used. 

4/23 I had a dream that Jace came home from school for lunch and had to go back at 12:40. Well he didn't tell me it was 12:40 or pay attention to the time so I said, "Jace! It's 12:40, we need to get you to school" and then realized that I would have to go back and pick him up at 2:15 so I called Kevin and told him I wasn't going to take him. He told me to take him to school and so I said, "Ok, Jace, I'm gonna go to the bathroom, start getting ready to go back to school." He didn't have his shoes on or anything. I came out of the bathroom and he was riding his scooter around and then he hid under a blanket on the couch. I said, "You know what Jace? No, we aren't going back to school, go to your room!" and then I woke up.

4/25 I had a dream last night that Kevin and I were with a bunch of family at a pool and we had just watched a wedding that happened in a pool. It was really romantic and I was joking with Kevin and said we should have our turn and get married. We joked about it a few times and then really decided that we wanted to do this. My mom was there, Uncle V, Uncle Mat and Aunt Jen and I didn't know when my family would be together like this again. I didn't have any make-up on and my hair was in a bun. I was in the bathroom when my Uncle V did a speech about how our family can not worry about another wedding anytime soon after ours. My Mom went through and did a powerpoint speech and tried to sell her work services. And then mentioned at the end that Kevin is a liar. I ran to her after and asked her about why she said that. I don't remember her response.

4/29 I had a dream that Kevin went to Idaho for college and when we went to the reunion, I went with him. He was kind of introducing me to some people. I remember there were aisles like in a paint shop. It was super weird. 

5/13 I had the weirdest dream. My Aunt Christina and I were at a college and heading home. I went my way to my car and my trunk was open with a stuffed animal-type scarecrow. It was huge and my trunk was open and it was just laying there. I had no idea what it was. I went to the front of my car and there was a note that said, "This is for you. If you don't know who or what this is about, call the police." so I picked up my cell phone and called the police. There were four kids nearby who were talking to me about this weird animal scarecrow thing in my trunk. Apparently the "police" number had reconnected to one of the kids near me. They had answered it and I found it was them who set everything up. I had asked them if I had left my trunk open and they said yes. We figured all of that out and I started driving. I remember there was snow and I also was trying to keep my hood down now. Someone had pushed my hood all the way down over me, like it was a seatbelt. I just remember that I couldn't really reach the brakes or the gas so I couldn't drive too well. I know my car looked funny because the hood was on me instead of in front of me. 

I had a dream that I woke up and was inside Dollar General penny shopping again. I then saw Kim Pavao from Saxton Horne and she had a baby girl who was a year and a half. At first she wasn't there or I didn't see her and then she randomly appeared in her carseat. She had a play phone in her hand and Kim and I were talking about how it's not even ok to give babies play phones anymore. Kim sat in my front seat and I told her my car was dirty and I should go wash it. She told me no lol. 

I had some crazy dreams. I had a dream that I was a team lead and I saw someone on my team pick up a bat and he hit someone with it in the stomach. I was running to tell my boss, aka Jace's principal, Mr. Cappallari, that he needs to get rid of both of them and get them out of the workplace/school. He didn't do anything about it and they ended up right back in my care. I was in charge of this event and I basically wanted to make sure that everything was running smooth. There were four sections of people. I noticed there was not an even amount of people in each section so I had to be the one to let them know. Since it was a game, I told them if they don't want to have even teams, that was fine, but then they couldn't come back and say that the game wasn't played fairly. My Uncle Mat did a magic trick for me with a penny as part of his competition. I thought it was cool. I just remember going back and forth between the sections to make sure everyone was happy, knew what they were doing, and I also planned games to award prizes. It was pretty fun actually. 

I had a dream that I was penny shopping at Dollar General and found a few penny items. The night before last, Rayetta and Nique were in my dream but I don't remember what we did or why they were there.

I had a dream that I was with Susy and maybe Tim and we were looking on the map for a new church to go to. We wanted to visit it first so we went north and south of us and looked on the map. Then we drove south on our way to find one. It wasn't a Sunday so we were just scoping things out. We stopped by a different Dollar General to shop on our way. The coloring books section was almost completely empty. I saw a Valentine's Day coloring book sitting there and knew right away that was a penny. Then I grabbed a few Spongebob coloring books to scan to see if they rang up as a penny. By the time we were done there, I told Sus that we didn't need to look at churches anymore and we could do that later. Savings before church LOL

I had some weird and random dreams that I'm trying to remember. I remember being in one of those ski lift seats. Kevin Knudsen was in my dream and I was meeting with him and his team (I used to work with him in Utah) and we were doing a weekly meeting. Actually, I think someone else was meeting with Kevin and I was on the phone with the rest of the team doing a meeting with them. Then going back to the ski lift, it was some sort of party but everyone was basically leaving by 10:30pm. I wanted to hang out more but everyone was cleaning and packing up which was super lame. 

I had a dream that I was at the grocery store and i saw KC and Morgan checking out. I absolutely do not like KC and did not want to talk to him even though he saw me. Apparently my house was next door or a house, maybe not mine. I ran inside and locked the doors. There were maybe 5 or 6 guys in there and they said KC was running towards me and wanted to talk to me. I asked if they could protect me if he tried to do anything. I made sure the doord were locked and he was pushing up against them and trying to get inside. He was extremely upset and didn't realize why I didn't want to talk to him. It was fairly scary. 

Jake Barlow was in my dream. I had watched Flavor of Love reruns last night so it seemed to me like I was on the show in a way with Jake. He had kissed and hugged two other girls before coming to me. I was dating Kevin and i remember thinking that in my head. Well he must have known because he didn't try to kiss or hug me. In fact, i had written down on a piece of paper 'Venmo, zelle, cash app..." and Jake asked me what i was doing. I told him there were two ladies in front of the building we were in and i had gone to get neapolitan ice cream and ice cream cones and i now owed them $52 for it. They needed cash and I didn't have cash so he asked if I needed cash and I said yes. I told him I could venmo, zelle, or cash him the $52. He took a one dollar bill out of his pocket and put it through this machine and then said "I'm silly, that's now how the ATM works" and then went over to the ATM, put in his card and got the money out. I remember telling the others that they could have some of the ice cream and cone but the cones were covered in melted ice cream. I had gotten them from a grocery store which was in front of the building we were in which is why I owed the two ladies money.  By the time I had moved the ice cream from the freezer to the building I was in, everything was basically melted. That's all I remember but I have been on a healthier "diet" the last few weeks so maybe I'm a fat kid at heart who loves her ice cream. I don't even like Neopolitan ice cream though. 

I had a dream that my Aunt Sandi was 45 years old and about to have twins. She had three little kids already. We ended up finding out that she was having triplets - one boy and two girls. While we were waiting for her to have the babies, I was sitting down and saw this worm/bug on the wall that stretched out. I tried to find it later and couldn't find it. I remember my Uncle Steve holding the younger three kids and then I think later he brought in the three newborns. It was crazy.

I had a dream that Kevin and I were married but there were like 4-5 different women that were either flirting with him or trying to get with him. One was Sam who I have know for a long time. She asked to come over and it looked like she was going to a club. Her nipples were almost out and she was showing me how she does sit ups. She was flirting with Kevin and I looked at her and said "Your husband is kind of cute too but I don't go and flirt with him" So yeah, she was also married. I also used the word "bitch" several times to these ladies. One lady even came up to me and asked if she could hang out with Kevin. I said "Well he is my husband but that's his choice" and I'm pretty sure they did something. I think I was there the whole time when there were women but I know at least one had been texting him. I tried to get even and he got up and 3 guys sat on the other side of me but they never even talked to me so that wasn't really payback. Then two other random things happened. We had a pet tarantula but it wasn't in a cage, it was like a dog and was sleeping on this blanket but kind of laying on its side. It was weird. Then one of the ladies had a baby and was changing its diaper and asked me if I had something. I remember going in my moms bathroom to look and found something similar to shower gel. I think she needed baby wipes but we obviously didn't have any. 

I had a few vivid dreams last night. It's been awhile since I have actually remembered my dreams. The first one was that oxygen was running out on Earth so everyone was expected to die within a few days. I was slowly feeling weak and couldn't do the things I wanted to anymore. My Papa had just passed away and I knew I would be going soon. I couldn't even walk up the stairs. I was seeing myself as an outsider and I could just tell that I could die any hour like every one else. Nana seemed to be doing well and was trying to motivate me to still do the things that I normally would do. I think I was afraid that if I did, I would be making things worse for myself. I never actually died in my dream. The second dream I had was I was visiting family (it must have been someone elses family because I did not recognize the lady or man on the couch) and I woke up and knew there was a Jazz game on. I asked them if I could find it and they said yes. I was then like, "HOLY COW! It's 1:30 in the afternoon?"" and they had said yes. I thought the game might have been over but also wondering why everyone else was asleep still. I went through almost all of the channels and found the Jazz game. It looked way different than it normally is but I watched the last 60 seconds or so of the game. They lost :( It was super bizarre and super late

I switched pillows last night and I don't know if that's to blame for this crazy/scary dream I had but it was so weird. So I was with Jana and Jill and two babies (but it was more of Susy and Emily at times which was weird). We were at a hotel and some shops in Avila and there were a few guys there. Jill, like her usual self, started talking and flirting with one guy. When we got in the car, she told Sus (or Jana, her sister) that she was going to go back to them tonight and meet up with them. Jana said no! And ended up messaging their Mom since Jill was under 18. I was thinking that was messed up because they seemed really nice. Somehow, we saw them again (but it wasn't at night, I don't think we were done in Avila) and the guy that Jill liked was behind me and trying to flirt with me. I thought he was cute but I was like "I have a boyfriend" and then we left. I was dating Kevin so that wasn't a lie. We were in the car on the freeway home and we saw this razor/4wheeler thing in front of us on the freeway but it wasn't as small as it is in real life. It ended up flipping a U right in front of us and surprised us all while driving. We saw three more and they were about to do the same thing but we were a little more prepared this time. They ended up all crashing into each other right in front of us. And then we heard gun shots. All of the sudden I see this guy with a handgun coming towards our car. For some reason, we just stayed there because I was going to call 9-1-1 to report the accident but then this guy was coming towards us with a gun. I take a blanket and put it over my head and I'm in the front seat and I lay down. I hear him open MY door and at this time I just know I'm going to get shot. He then shuts the door and I woke up covered in sweat. 

I also had a dream that I was onstage for some award or something. There was a large group of us like it was graduation but I wanted to promote my book at this event so I bought a certain number of books and then their agenda or schedule was stapled to the front of my book. It was amazing to be in this auditorium and every single person had a copy of my book in their hand. I actually went up to some people and said, "That's my book!" and no one was amused lol.

9/6 I had the worst dream ever. I had a dream that Kevin liked this other girl and told her she could borrow my swimsuit. This same girl happened to work at a store that I was trying to get deals from. I think it was bed, bath, and beyond. She was scanning my items. I heard about a really good deal so I went across town to get it and then saw her working there. I didn't say anything to her but I did see her with my swimsuit on later.

9/14 I had a dream that Libby wrote "Surprise!" On Facebook and she was 7 months pregnant. I also dreamed that Kevin and I went to this concert but he drove separately and went inside this bar and got some drinks. I found this parking lot right before the road closed off for people to walk and the owner of the lot and business said hi. I asked him if the end parking spot was available and he said no. I got out and started talking to this other guy about the parking spot and then this guy in a motor home left and freed up a spot. Right before he left, the owner said he was moving his car so I could take that spot. I told him I was already going to take this other spot. I parked and went back to the bar to try and find Kevin. Instead I saw David and Katie and this girl Alicia who I went to high school with. David was drunk and Katie had the kids upstairs so she only came down for a second. I guess he was going to the concert alone? And he was drunk. He said he drank whiskey and something else. I kept trying to call Kevin and he never answered. I never got ahold of him before waking up. I never saw the concert either 😥

It was Halloween and I was with Sus, Rosie and Tim. Except Rosie had wandered off so I started recording because I thought it would be funny or cute when we found her. The house was destroyed by the little one but we found her. Sus and I then both dressed up. She asked if I could take a picture of her but I don't remember what either of us were. I know I had an actual costume on and tights. And I had just gotten back from vacation and I had all of my stuff at her house. I then started walking home after the night ended and realized I literally had nothing with me. I left my laptop at Susys, I was walking barefoot or without shoes, and I remember being in these roads with a bunch of stores. Most of them were closed. I went into one that was open and realized I didn't have my phone. I had been texting on it a few seconds before so I retraced my steps and couldn't find it. These random guys past me and I asked them if they knew where the nearest Sprint store was. One of them pointed to a row of stores and said pretty much any of them could help. By now though it was dark so I figured I had to go back tomorrow. So here I was in my costume, no shoes, no laptop, no phone, no nothing. I go home and that's all I remember. I couldn't find my phone, didn't have my luggage, and have no idea why I walked from Susy's house to mine on my own with no shoes.

I had a dream that Josh Bennett stole from me but in a weird way.i got a new orange flip phone and thought I left it at school over the weekend. I met up with Randi after school and we hung out with Josh and his friend except it was Josh on the other side of the bench by himself and then me, randi and Josh's friend on the other side of the bench. We were watching this play or movie or something outdoors and I fell asleep on the bench like 4 times. I then got up and said "I just fell asleep like 4 times. Not really my type of movie but that's ok". Then we started talking a little bit about this weekend and josh said something, I can't remember what but it sounded like he had my phone. I had walked by him to see and I saw a phone but couldn't tell if it was orange. I asked Randi and she said he did have my phone so I asked him for it. He said "I have your phone, your ID, your credit card and debit card" and he was planning on using everything this weekend! So I asked him for my phone and since it was new, it had 4 voicemails so I listened to those. I then told him that if he used my debit card, it wouldn't have anything on it. I knew my credit card had $500 on it so I tried to bargain with him and said something about meeting up with him this weekend if he needs it. I then woke up. 

I drank sleepy time tea before going to bed and I had the weirdest dreams. Like crazy and unusual dreams. The first one on the 6th was that I had woken up and my mom and dad were both there. They said they were hearing this strange noise and realized I had left my vibrator on. That was an awkward conversion. The second night I had a dream that I had to pee in one of those kids toilet seats but had to sit on the ground and other people were surrounding me. I wasn't on an actual toilet. I was wanting to pee in peace but I had at least two or three woman a few feet away. I'm not sure why or who they were. Last night I had a dream that I was in Paris and that's all I remember. 

I had a dream that I was in the bleachers and two rows in front of me there was a proposal. It was the sweetest thing. 

I had a dream that Jana Johnson was over at our house and we were catching up on some things. It was midnight and Jace and Bryan were asleep. Kevin was in the corner having a beer and Jana and I were in the kitchen. She was making everyone taco salads even though half of the people living in the house were asleep. While she is making taco salads, I am going through and cleaning out the fridge while talking to her about her life. In the top shelf of the fridge, there was mozzarella cheese and Kevin's beard hair all combined. It was like a treasure hunt because I was finding gems and stuff to give to Jana that she had asked for. Such a random and disgusting combination. Jana told me that she had sex with this guy named Jason who was the Jason from Laguna Beach and The Hills. She said he was expecting a baby and I asked if she had been pregnant. I then said that I didn't think she was her sister but wanted to double check. I went to the sink and saw these two huge black pieces and then realized it was my laptop, broken in the sink. I asked Kevin why and if he broke my laptopo and he said no. He then said that Jace wouldn't do it and even though it was midnight, I decided to confront Bryan. I knocked on his door and could hear him getting dressed to answer the door. I had opened the door barely and said, "Bryan, can I ask you something?" and he said, "No" so I shut the door and told Jana and Kevin what he said. He then came out and I asked him about the laptop. He said one of his ex's had been over and broke it in half. I started yelling at him saying, "THIS COMPUTER IS MY LIFELINE! THIS IS HOW I MAKE MONEY!" and he said "Yeah but it's broken" and I said, "THAT IS YOUR FAULT! I DON'T GO AROUND BREAKING OR EVEN USING YOUR STUFF!" I didn't even know when the chick was over but I was furious. I didn't have enough money for a new laptop. It was a little bit wet too because I had just turned on the kitchen sink. He acted like he didn't care. I woke up soooooooo mad and exhausted from all that yelling in my dream. 

I had a dream I went to Pasolivo with Alana to stop by and talk to Marisa I think. Marisa said she was going to quit and I told her she said that 2.5 years ago when I was there. I got to meet this guy Steven who took my place there but I had never met him. He told me I did a great job with the work I had done before him. I kinda thought he was cute. I was single in my dream. Amanda, my sister, was a DJ apparently so Marisa, Alana, Steven, and I were all at this bar to watch Amanda. Steven said it looked like I needed a drink so we went to the bar and he ordered me a Kim Kardashian. Yes, that was the name of a drink. It was on this cart so it wasn't cold, it was like one of those amusement type cups but I think it was glittery or had a photo of her or something on it. Then on it it said that it had stuff in it to help with making your lips bigger. I didn't taste any alcohol so I'm not even sure if it was alcoholic. It was blue with white things in it that were supposed to make your lips look like you had botox after you drank it. Super weird. Anyways Steven and I danced, we "got low" and that was pretty much it. Before we left, back at Pasolivo, I remember some people came in for a tasting and even though I didn't work there, I had to get someone for them because no one was up front. 

I took a Melatonin and had a dream that The Freebie Guy needed some help with his followers, but in real life. He had a line out the door of people who wanted to meet him and follow him and be a part of his group. He asked me if I could take those who "loved the snow" and go around the building and sing songs based on their requests. I had a few requests that I did not know the song but others in the line knew so they would sing. I would walk them around this building several times. It was a very different dream. 

I had a dream that I was working a cash register and trying to figure out an easy way to combine several services (like we have at the spa). I kept changing my mind like 3 different times. I also dreamed that I wanted to get pregnant. I took several pregnancy tests and felt like I was ready. I was 10 days late on my period so I took two tests but both were negative. 

12/31 I had a dream that Chanel was at the hospital about to give birth and I looked pregnant so I had the doctor look at me and she stuck her finger up me a few times and then told me I was 5 1/2 months pregnant. I told Susy and she was trying to say that the baby wasn't Kevin's baby because I hung out with guys within the last six months although I never did anything and didn't cheat. It was really sad that she was trying to believe otherwise. Up to that point I also hadn't experienced any symptoms or anything and it wasn't until I looked in the mirror that I realized I looked pregnant.


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